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Configuring organization fees on Graviti admin

Setting up organization fees and the financial years

The financial years are configured before creating the association fees. All the financial years created are displayed on this main page. The data column details displayed on the main page consist of the following:

  • Start date: the financial year start date.
  • End date: the financial year end date.
  • Current: an indication if the financial year is currently active or not.
  • Archived: an indication of whether the financial year is archived or not.



On the financial year main page, there is an option to “Add” a year. Click on the “Add button to create the financial year. The details required when adding consist of:

  • Starting month: the financial year starting month, selecting from the dropdown list.
  • Year: the year of the financial year.

Once all the details have been specified, click on the “Submit” button to save.

Once created, you can update the financial years by archiving or unarchiving.



The "Manage Fees" section is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate the configuration and oversight of all financial aspects related to membership fees within the organization. This feature allows administrators to streamline billing processes and ensure accurate financial management for the association.

All the fees created are displayed on this main page. The data column details displayed on the fees main page consist of the following:

  • Fee type: the fee type that will be selected from the drop-down option.
  • Linked type: the type you have linked the fee to, which is also selected from the dropdown option when creating the fee.
  • Linked to: the linked type name.
  • Amount: the amount of the fee.
  • Tax rate: the percentage of the tax rate.



On the fees main page, there is an option to “Add” a fee. Click on the “Add” button to create a fee. The details required when adding a fee consist of:

  • Fee type: select the fee type from the drop-down list.
  • Fee link type: select the fee link type from the drop-down list.
  • Tax rate: select the tax rate from the drop-down list.
  • Source: select the source from the drop-down list. The selected “Fee Link Type” determines the “Source” dropdown list.
  •  Amount: specify the amount.
  • Is tax inclusive? specify if the fee is tax inclusive or not by selecting “YES” or “NO” from the drop-down list.
  • Code: specify the fee’s unique code.
  • Billing description: write the billing description. 
  • Financial year: specify the financial year the fee is valid for. Selecting from the drop-down list.

Once all details have been captured, click on the “Submit” button to save the fee.


The available fees will be used when invoicing the association members. All created fees are displayed on the “Manage Fees” main page. Every created fee record has an action dropdown that consists of the following:

  • Update: the option to make changes to the fee type record.
  • Members: the members that are linked to the fee type.
  • Remove: the option to delete the fee type record.

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