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Communication and collaboration with the organization forum

Engagement through different posts within the forum categories

Discussion forum posts

When viewing forum posts, you get to see the following information:

  • Name: The name of the person who created the post.
  • Title: The title of the post.
  • Date and time: The date and time at which the post was created and submitted.
  • Comments: The number of comments for the post.
  • Contributors: The number of contributors for the post.
  • Upvotes: The number of upvotes for the post.
  • Downvotes: The number of downvotes for the post.
  • Files: The number of files uploaded for the post.
  • Open/Closed: An indication whether the file is closed or open.
  • Watching: the number of members who have enabled the watch function, meaning whenever there are changes on those posts, they will be notified.

On the action dropdown, you will see the below options:

    • Update post: the admin can only update posts (they creation) that have not yet been viewed or commented on by members.
    • Upload attachments: This option is only displayed on forums where the option to "Only allow admins to post" has been configured.
    • Close discussion: This allows the admin to close the discussion, which means that members will no longer be able to post or comment in that category. However, the category will still be visible on the member portal.
    • Hide/unhide: this option allows the admin to hide or unhide the posts. Hidden posts are not visible on the member portal
    • Read discussions: This allows the admin to read comments posted by members on that category.



You will see comments posted under the category, with the names of the members who posted, the date and time they posted.



This option allows the admin to also participate in forums by being able to post like the members. The details required when clicking 'Create A Post' are as follows:

  • Topic: You can choose your own topic, but it should be related to the category you will select for the post.
  • Category: Select, from the available drop-down selection, the category you want.
  • Description: This is where you can elaborate more on your topic.

When you have captured all the details, click on the 'Submit' button. This will automatically post the post, making it visible on the member portal. If you want selected few members to see the post, you can adjust/set access. 



Banned phrases can be created per forum, although they apply to the entire forum module. Click on the 'Add' button to add a phrase.

You are also required to provide reasons or explanations as to why it is banned.

All captured banned phrases will be displayed on the forum's banned phrase main page, displaying the following details:

  • Name: The phrase.
  • Reason: The explanation for why the phrase is banned.
  • Added: The date and time at which the phrase was added to the forum.
  • By: The full name of the person who added the phrase.
  • Action: There is only one option available under the action dropdown, which is to delete the phrase record.



Clicking on forum posts for the entire forum will display posts from all categories within that forum.

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