Member management with Graviti system
Navigating through the members main page on Graviti admin
Members display main page
On the member display page, the following information is displayed:
- All: the number of all members within the association.
- Unknown: the number of members with an unknown status.
- Pending: the number of members with pending applications.
- Active: the number of active members.
- Suspended: the number of suspended member profiles.
- Terminated: the number of terminated or cancelled member profiles.
- Archived: the number of archived member profiles
- Expired: the number of expired memberships.
The member data columns of the table layout on the Member module main page consist of:
- Image: displays the image of the member.
- Full name: the member’s name and surname.
- Professional #: the member’s professional number.
- Membership #: the member’s membership number.
- Status: the member’s status The status can range from: active, archived, expired, pending, rejected, suspended, terminated, and unknown.
- Group: the name of the group the member is assigned to.
- Add: If you want to add a new member profile, you can click on the “Add” button to begin.
- Action: On the action dropdown, there are options to:
- Profile: view and/or update the member’s profile.
- Contacts: view and/or update the member’s contacts.
- Addresses: view and/or update the member’s addresses.
- Documents: view and/or update the members documents.
- Delete/Undelete: soft delete the member’s profile.
The layout used to display member data is the table layout.
Related topics
- Searching And Filtering For Members On Graviti Admin
- Customizing Members Main Page Layout On Graviti Admin
- Importing And Exporting Members On Graviti Admin