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The hub for your members

Boosting engagement with Graviti polls feature by gathering insights and drive participation

Allow members to vote and provide their opinions on various topics or issues within the association

The main function of the poll feature is to allow members to vote and provide their opinions on various topics or issues within the association. This feature enables the association to gather feedback and make informed decisions based on the preferences and choices of its members. Overall, the polls feature serves as a valuable tool for engaging members, fostering a sense of community, and empowering them to influence important decisions within the membership system.


To create polls, click to open the Polls page. Click on the “Add New” button and start creating.

The details that are required when creating polls are:

  • Title: the title of the poll.
  • Description: the description of the poll.

You have to configure the following to allow or not to allow:

    • Allow users suggest additional answers
    • Allow more than one answer
    • Allow call on action button
    • Allow voting again (select the option from the dropdown)
    • Block repeat voting (select the option from the dropdown)
    • Allow users to change votes
    • Auto-scroll to top after voting
    • Display message after vote
    • Hide results from users

Once you are done adding the details, click on the “Submit” button to save the poll.

The back navigation button is for the admin to be able to navigate back to the module or section main page.


After submitting, you will land on a page where you have to add the poll answer options. Once all the answers have been added, click on the “Submit” button to save each answer. 

After submitting the title and description, you will be presented with a section where you can capture the poll answer options.

You can always remove the question answers you do not want by clicking on the “Remove” button. When you are done adding the question answers, click on the “Submit” button to save all answers, then click on the “Done” button to save the poll.

The back navigation button is for the admin to be able to navigate back to the module or section main page.


All polls created are saved and displayed on the Polls main page. On this main page, data columns are displayed. Each poll entry has an action button, where there are drop-down options that you can use to update the poll(s).

The data columns consist of:

  • Title: the title of the poll.
  • Created: the date on which the poll was created.
  • Status: the status of the poll; if the poll is not yet published, it falls under the “draft” status.
  • Participants: displays the number of members who completed the poll.

On each poll record, you can do the following when you click on the “Action” button:

    • Edit: You can update the poll details by clicking on the “Edit” button to make the changes.
    • Link groups: you can link member groups to a poll. When linking groups, you have the option to add all or just the selected groups to link. Once linked, you can always unlink by clicking on the “Unlink” button.
    • Link tags: You can link tags to a poll. When linking tags, you have the option to add all or just the selected tags to link. Once linked, you can always unlink by clicking on the “Unlink” button.
    • Link chapters: you can link the association chapters to a poll. When linking chapters, you have the option to add all or just the selected chapters to link. Once linked, you can always unlink by clicking on the “Unlink” button.

    • Publish: if you have not yet published the poll or the poll was unpublished, click on the “Publish” button to publish it. If it is already published, you will have the option to “unpublish” it .
    • Add options: you can always add more answer options to your poll by clicking on the “Add options” button if the poll is not yet published.
    • Remove: You have the option to delete the poll record by clicking on the “Remove” button.

You can always filter your search page when searching for a specific poll record, using the “search” section.

Once the poll is published, it will appear on the members’ portal and be accessible only to the members that have been linked to it.

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