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The hub for your members

Creating exclusive spaces on the member portal

How to configure member pages for each or all member group packages

This is where the admin configures the modules or sections they would like to appear on the members’ portal.

  • The modules are already there, but the admin has to configure them from the available modules, deciding which modules will display on the member portal.
  • The admin can also customize the module titles and the display order of the modules.
  • The admin can set which member groups, chapters, or member tags will have access to the module.
  • To configure modules to display on the member portal, click on the “Add” button.

Select the modules you want to display on the member portal. Once you are done with the selection, click on the “Submit” button to save.

The back navigation button is for the admin to be able to navigate back to the module or section main page.

All configured member pages will display on the “member pages” main page.

The data columns displayed on the main page consist of:

  • Icon: the page icon.
  • Default title: the page’s default title.
  • Custom title: the page's customised title
  • Display order: the page display order.
  • Visible: an indication if the page is visible or not on the member portal.
  • Action: the action dropdown varies per member page.
    • There are two action options available on the dropdown list for the dashboard, membership, support, profile, account, and directory member pages:
      • Edit: This allows you to update the page details.
      • Dynamic pages: Here, you can configure the dynamic pages for the module and grant or set access rights for members or clear all access rights." The dynamic pages will be used when creating components for the member portal.

The rest of the modules have the above two options and more on the drop-down list.


Dashboard, Membership, Support, Profile, Directory and Account Pages 

For the dashboard, support, profile, and account member pages, there are two "Action" options on the dropdown menu: the option to edit the page and the option to create dynamic pages for the page.

When editing the page, you can update the following details:

  • Custom title: you can customize the dashboard title.
  • Custom subtitle: you can customize the subtitle.
  • Display order: you can update the page display order.
  • Visible in the member portal: you can configure if you want the module to be visible on the member portal or not, by selecting Yes or No.

Once you have made the changes, click on the “Submit” button to save.

The back navigation button is for the admin to be able to navigate back to the module or section main page.



When adding dynamic pages for the member module pages, you need to configure them by capturing the title of the dynamic page and arranging them in the desired display order.

You have to capture the following information:

  • Title: the title of the dynamic page
  • Display order; the display order of the dynamic page.

Once captured, click on the “Submit” button to save.

Once added, you can carry out the following functions per dynamic page record:

  • Edit: you can update the dynamic page title.
  • Set visible/invisible: you can set the dynamic page to be visible or invisible on the member page, using “YES” and “NO” options.
  • Remove: you can delete the dynamic page by clicking on the “Remove” button.
  • Set Access by Group: you can set access to the dynamic page by member groups. When setting access by group, you have the option to select the groups one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the group(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button. 
  • Set Access by Chapter: you can set access to the dynamic page by association chapters. When setting access by chapter, you have the option to select the chapters one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the chapter(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button.
  • Set Access by Tag: you can set access to the dynamic page by member tag. When setting access by tag, you have the option to select the tags one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the tag(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button.
  • Set Access to All Members: you can set access to the dynamic page for all members in the association. Once set, you can always remove it by clicking on the “Remove” button.
  • Clear Access Rights: you can also clear all access rights, making the dynamic page accessible to all members. When clearing access rights, you will receive a pop-up indicating that all access rights entries have been successfully cleared.

Once the dynamic pages have been configured and the access set, they will appear on the members’ portal on that particular page it was configured for, which will be only accessible to the members who have been granted access rights.



The pages that have more than one option (edit and dynamic pages) on the “Action” button, per member page you can carry out the following: 

    • Edit: you have the option to update the member page details.
    • Dynamic pages: you have the option to create dynamic pages for the member page.
      • Edit: you can edit the dynamic page details.
      • Remove: you can delete the dynamic page
      • Set visible/invisible: you can set the member dynamic page to be visible or invisible on the member portal under the respective member module page, using “YES” and “NO” options.
      • Set Access by Group: you can set access to the member dynamic page by member groups.
      • Set Access by Chapter: you can set access to the member dynamic page by association chapters.
      • Set Access by Tag: you can set access to the member dynamic page by member tag.
      • Set Access to All Members: you can set access to the member dynamic page for all members in the association.
      • Clear Access Rights: you can also clear all access rights, making the member dynamic page accessible to all members.
      • Set visible/invisible: you can set the member page to be visible or invisible on the member portal, using “YES” and “NO” options.
      • Remove: you can delete the member page by clicking on the “Remove” button.
      • Set Access by Group: you can set access to the member page by member groups. When setting access by group, you have the option to select the groups one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the group(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button.
      • Set Access by Chapter: you can set access to the member page by association chapters. When setting access by chapter, you have the option to select the chapters one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the chapter(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button.
      • Set Access by Tag: you can set access to the member page by member tag. When setting access by tag, you have the option to select the tags one at a time and submit. Once set, you can always remove the tag(s) by clicking on the “Remove” button.
      • Set Access to All Members: you can set access to the member page for all members in the association. Once set, you can always remove it by clicking on the “Remove” button.
      • Show Access rights:  you can see which groups, chapters, tags, users have been granted access rights.
      • Clear Access Rights: you can also clear all access rights, making the member page accessible to all members. When clearing access rights, you will receive a pop-up indicating that all access rights entries have been successfully cleared.

Once the pages have been configured and the access set, they will appear on the members’ portal, which will be only accessible to the members who have been granted access rights.

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