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A patient management system that centers around patients and doctors

A patient management system that centers around patients and doctors

A patient management system that centers around patients and doctors

There are many words which one can use to describe one's health practitioner (HP), however innovative does not often spring to mind. Most health professionals are honest, hardworking individuals whose sole purpose is to ensure that they provide you with the best healthcare. Even though they may be different health professionals, they all got into the field of medicine due to their caring nature.

We have become so used to our health practitioners providing us with basic healthcare in their offices, private rooms, clinics and even in hospital by diagnosing our ailments, providing our medication or else issuing us with a prescription. This phenomenon has become the generic roadmap for our doctor’s visits. In this article, we will explore how an easy-to-use and reliable tool called CheckApp which is designed for health professionals and patients alike can benefit and enhance their experience while making sure that they are happy with its services and features.  

Within the health faculty, innovation has been critical in powering doctors to think outside of the box and therefore help in the wellness of their patients. Most health professionals will go over and above the call of duty to ensure the safety and wellness of a patient. The fantastic thing about how CheckApp works is that it can be accessed via online, tablet or mobile device. Medicine, technology, and patients can now work together to achieve a common goal.  

There are areas where both health professionals and patients can contribute to better management and time saving aspects which could then result in superior participation between the two. We will dissect this topic into two parts – first focusing on the benefits this application brings to health professionals and two, looking at how patients can likewise also use and reap the most benefits from the features and services it offers. Believe it or not, it is also extremely easy to navigate, meaning that less time is spent trying to understand complex applications. The health professional and patient have their unique needs when it comes to medical technological innovation, and both can be seen to benefit from this application.  

For the health professional through: 

  1. Document management 
  2. Billing and medical templates 
  3. Patient management using the built-in calendar 
  4. Reporting and statistics

For the patient we will explore how the patient can be assisted through: 

  1. Online booking 
  2. Automatic reminders 
  3. Payment and claim information 
  4. Access management 
  5. Telehealth features  
  • Document management   

Working in the health profession requires that you keep adequate and detailed patient documents and records. This information can include the symptoms presented by the patient, any known allergies, the treatment prognosis, and any medication prescribed. All sectors within the health faculty, be they general practitioners, dentists, and specialists, must keep detailed patient records. You can even go as far as saying that a doctor cannot treat a patient without being able to provide a detailed report of their interaction. Being a health professional within the medical sector requires that you keep documentation not only of the patient and their treatment but also as a reference for yourself when recurring treatment is required. This can be utilized as a reference document and hence requires that it provides valuable information. 

CheckApp amongst other features boosts to have a sturdy document management feature. This innovative application, although being the “new kid on the block” has striking features when it comes to document management and has state-of-the-art functionality. The application simplifies the process of keeping patient documents by making it easily accessible for the healthcare professional and ensuring that updates are maintained and streamlined with each patient visit. As a health professional using the document management services, you can receive, manage, track, store, and reduce the amount of paper you use. 

As a health professional you take pride in the accuracy, safety, and easy access of patient documentation. Some would equate proper document management to aiding in saving lives. In an article published by Intelligent HQ, it highlights the importance of proper document management for health professionals and the benefits thereof. Rather than keeping paper files for each patient which could easily be damaged, lost or fall into the wrong hands, a contemporary and smart service can be unleashed on the medical scene. CheckApp amongst other benefits, boosts an online document management feature for health practitioners. It assists in maximizing how doctors capture and view their patients notes and clinical visits, have access to scans, generate referral letters for on-going treatment and issue prescriptions. This application sees document management as pivotal to ensure that all patient details are centralized.  

  • Billing and medical templates 


The health professional can issue invoices directly on the application for their patients which in turn the patient can settle immediately. This no longer needs to be a lengthy process. The health professional can instantly provide their patient with an invoice on CheckApp which then the patient can either make direct payment themselves or forward as a claim while still in the App to their medical scheme. Having all these features in one place can be a great benefit and make the financial administrative process for both the health professional and patient significantly reduced. Online and offline processing of payments can be done easily and with no difficulty. Health professionals can check patient eligibility to claim validate medical aid details for main members and dependents through the family check feature offered. This innovative application has an in-house integration billing module for your account which can be linked into your existing packages like Xero or QuickBooks 

Also, doctors can use medical templates to send referral letters, send prescriptions to their patients, and issue any additional receipts. These templates are all found in the template tab within the application and make it easy for medical professionals to issue multiple documents to the patient without having to give them a whole book of papers.  

  • Patient management using the built-in calendar 

It is a notable feature to have a built-in calendar as a health professional which can assist you to ensure that you keep track of your appointments. The calendar has in-house reminders which notify you when your next patient is scheduled to be seen. This helps the health professional to keep track of the time and ensure that each patient is seen according to the scheduling. Health professionals can adjust the times in between the patients' visits so that each patient does not have to wait a long time to be seen.  

Moving to a new location can present a challenge for any health professional as you need your location details to be readily available so that patients can easily find your place of business. The same can be said for patients when they do not know where their health professional offices are located. This can be very frustrating for everyone involved. With the assistance from CheckApp it can act as a referral which you can locate a health professional within your surrounding area and be able to make an appointment. The health professional’s details, including their contacts, address and location are available. Since the health professional is already loaded on CheckApp, making the appointment becomes so much easier. 


  • Reporting and statistics


As a low-key scientist, most health professionals enjoy having data in graphs and this also helps to summarize the information they are looking at. It is so much easier to access your information if it’s all on a summary page. This is one feature CheckApp does well for the health professional. It can customize the patients’ dashboards as to the information you require to see. Having dashboards at your disposal is often a quick and straightforward way to ensure that you can see the patient's information in an analytical format.  

  • Online booking 

Have you ever had to continuously call a practice manager and find that you could not get through as their phone number was in use? Or did you forget to call during office hours? As a health professional who runs a practice, do you sometimes dread patients not being able access you to make an appointment due to phonelines being busy or even down? Most health professionals do require patients to make an appointment before seeing them therefore, the splendid additional feature about CheckApp is that it allows the patient to take control of their appointment with no assistance from a health professional or practice manager. Patients and health professionals can simultaneously utilize CheckApp to make, reschedule, and even cancel appointments and without delay. It’s all done easily online without any hassles, any time – at your convenience. CheckApp also allows for the patient to view the health professionals calendar and see the available time slots and which times can accommodate and be suitable, to fit their schedule. Once a patient is happy with time allocation, they also get confirmation of their booking and therefore secure their time. The application will then change the appointment to reflect as “Confirmed” 

  • Payment and claim information 


Nowadays patients often visit Health professionals who require payment outside of the medical scheme payment advised tenors, or that require out-of-pocket payments. This requires the patient to submit a claim to their medical scheme to get reimbursed. In most cases the patient will need to email the invoice/receipt of their care to their medical scheme support and thereafter their claim gets processed. Often the turn-around time is 3-5 working days. Most medical schemes like Discovery, Dischem Health and Bonitas, insist that the patient submits their billing records online for processing. This makes it easier to track and monitor the status of each claim submitted whilst engaging the patient with feedback once their claim has been processed. This application allows patients to submit their claims online and in real-time. It also allows them to see any updates they have regarding their claim as it is integrated with the patient’s email and WhatsApp. The patient can refer to invoices provided by the health professional or even to make a comparison. This functionality has not only changed how patients interact with their medical scheme but has also improved the turn-around time with which their claims are processed. All records can be accessed via the application, so it makes it easier for the patient not to lose valuable information.  

  • Automatic reminders 

Patients often forget or are late for their scheduled appointments due to lack of planning. For busy professionals, moms that are on the go, individuals that are mature of age or otherwise persons that are forgetful, CheckApp has integrated an easy-to-use calendar management system which can be accessed by the health professional to send reminders of the upcoming appointment via WhatsApp, email, or SMS. CheckApp uses the notification feature to ping a message to the recipient. The application automates reminders and assists in notifying the recipient of their upcoming appointment so there is no excuse for being late – well except if you’re stuck in traffic. It also assists the patient and healthcare professional to be aware of the upcoming appointment and thus plan accordingly.  

  • Access management 


As a patient you require concise and up-to-date documentation of your visits. The patient's records can thus be easily accessed from anywhere by the patient or even transferred to the referring doctor with ease. CheckApp empowers the patient to have control over who has access to their medical records. For patients it enables them to limit access to their records should they deem it necessary. The patient has the power to annul and revoke access at any time and does not require permission from the health professional or practice manager. 

Lost or misplaced your prescription before you had a chance to use it? CheckApp helps the health professional issue a prescription for the patient, with the patient accessing it immediately or forwarding it via email to their preferred pharmacy for dispensing. Patients no longer must wait in line but can request their medication to be delivered at their convenience. Having your prescription at your fingertips takes away the frustration of having to wait in line the therefore assists with healthy outcomes that can be influenced by quality patient care. This feature contributes to a better patient experience as well as their recovery experience. 

  • Tele-health services


Some people do not enjoy traveling to the doctor’s rooms and then having to wait for their scheduled appointments. Most people are also wary of encountering individuals who could be contagious while waiting to see the doctor. There have been documented diseases which are highly contagious and with symptoms not clearly noticeable to the patient or those aroundThe article provided by Health Grades contains information about several diseases that can be harmful if not treated in time. While the outbreak of COVID-19 has increased our awareness of infectious and contagious diseases, CheckApp gives the patient the option to visit in-person or via the tele-health option 

This feature allows for convenient consultation between the patient and the health professional to communicate effortlessly and safely without any danger to medical exposure. It creates better patient engagement as the patient no longer must travel to receive the care they require and assists the health professional in administering ongoing and continuous care. No more spending precious time waiting in the doctor’s lounge to be assisted while being exposed to the person next to you coughing without a mask, but you can go on with your day and in the safety of your home and still have your appointment in privacy and as scheduled. This functionality also allows you to be able to engage with your health professional and get the benefits without any risks of exposure to anyone or any diseases. 

  • Additional benefits 

Looking at what this application can accomplish for the health sector, for both the health professional and the patient alike, I can say safely say that it has revolutionized how health professionals keep documentation, do their billing, manage patients calendars as well as view the patient's records. If you are still not sure how it can benefit you as a health professional. Why not request a demo to see the amazing functionality and features which can aid in making the health professionals' lives easier.  


For patients it has enhanced their experience through the online booking process, automatic reminders, payment and claim information, access management and the tele-health features. With all the added benefits it holds, CheckApp is truly in the forefront of ensuring that the patient and the healthcare provider can utilize this innovative application and make their experience not only simpler but also faster. What makes this application heads and toes above the rest, is that, should the health practitioner or the patient experience any issues while using the application, it has a fast-acting support team which can guide and coach you via phone, email or even chat to ensure that your problem is solved with no delay.  


We all don’t like to visit our health professional however with CheckApp it can assist to make the trip to your doctor less time consuming and assist your doctor to provide you with best health care they can. It’s imperative that health professionals as well as anyone seeing a health professional use this innovative application and make their otherwise unpleasant trip, just a little less unpleasant. To access this application, you can either download it on Google Play via your android device or on Apple Store for IOS. Should you hit any hiccup the support team is ready to assist you and can be reached via email on [email protected].  


If this amazing application, CheckApp does not change your perception that seeing your health professional can be at your own convenience, easy and without any paperwork then nothing can.