association management system

- Member Management -

Manage your member database

Graviti Membership Management System - Member Management

Keep track of your members' information, communicate effectively with them, and streamline your operations. Graviti AMS can help your association and non-profit organization to effectively manage their members, events, finances, and other key aspects of their operations. Customize how you view your member information by selecting grid or table layout

  • Member Database: Maintain a comprehensive database of all your members. By capturing and storing member details such as name, address, phone number, email, membership type, and membership status. Graviti allows organizations to store aggregated information about member interactions including event attendance, donations, and volunteer activities.
  • Record Maintenance: Create, update, and delete member records easily. Members can usually log in to the system to update their own information, making it more efficient for your organization to keep records up to date.
  • Membership Types: Graviti AMS supports multiple membership levels and types such as individual, family, student, corporate, professional, elite, standard, premium or lifetime memberships. Your administrator tracks the different membership types and levels, ensuring that appropriate benefits and restrictions are assigned to each member.
  • Renewal and Billing: Send reminders to members when their membership is due to expire. Graviti can also handle billing and payment processing, allowing members to pay their fees while keeping track of outstanding payments.
  • Advanced insights: Be provided with detailed reports on member engagement levels, event attendance, and financial transactions. These insights will help your organization to improve member satisfaction and retention.
  • Communication: Graviti can be customized to include communication features such as newsletters, and personalized messages to members. Administrators keep members informed about events, updates, and other important organizational news. Members can get notifications of changes that have been done to their profile
  • Event Management: Integrate event management functionality, which allows your organizations to plan, promote, and manage events directly within the system. This includes creating event pages, selling tickets, tracking attendees, and managing volunteer schedules.
Manage your members, start a free trial