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How Digital Membership Cards Can Enhance Your Member Experience and Engagement

How Digital Membership Cards Can Enhance Your Member Experience and Engagement

How Digital Membership Cards Can Enhance Your Member Experience and Engagement

Digital membership cards are virtual cards that your members can access and use on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. They offer many benefits for both you and your members, such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, engagement, and sustainability.

In this blog post, we will explain what digital membership cards are, how to use them as an association manager, and how they compare to physical cards. We will also show you how to get started with digital membership cards and how they can help you achieve your association goals.

Read on to find out more about digital membership cards and why they are a smart solution for your association.

Digital Membership Cards: A Smart Solution for Association Managers

As an association manager, you know how important it is to keep your members engaged and satisfied. You also know how challenging it can be to manage the logistics of membership administration, such as issuing and renewing cards, tracking payments and benefits, and communicating with your members.

That's why digital membership cards are a smart solution for your association. Digital membership cards are virtual cards that your members can access and use on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. They offer many benefits for both you and your members, such as:

- Convenience: Your members can easily access their digital cards anytime, anywhere, without having to worry about losing or forgetting their physical cards. They can also update their personal information, renew their membership, and access exclusive benefits and discounts with a few taps or clicks.

- Cost-effectiveness: You can save money and resources by eliminating the need to print, mail, and replace physical cards. You can also reduce the administrative burden of managing card inventory, processing payments, and handling requests for replacement cards.

- Engagement: You can increase member loyalty and retention by offering a more personalized and interactive experience with your digital cards. You can send push notifications, reminders, and messages to your members directly through their digital cards. You can also use analytics and feedback tools to track member behavior, preferences, and satisfaction.

- Sustainability: You can demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility by reducing paper waste and carbon footprint with your digital cards. You can also align your association with the values and expectations of your members, especially the younger generations who are more conscious of environmental issues.

How to Use Digital Membership Cards as an Association Manager

Using digital membership cards is easy and convenient for both you and your members. Here are some steps to get started:

- Choose a digital membership card provider that suits your needs and budget. There are many options available in the market, so make sure to do some research and compare features, prices, and reviews before making a decision.

- Create and customize your digital cards using the provider's platform. You can choose from different templates, colors, fonts, logos, and images to design your cards. You can also add QR codes, barcodes, or NFC tags to enable scanning and verification of your cards.

- Distribute your digital cards to your members via email, SMS, or app. Your members can then download their cards to their devices and start using them right away. You can also integrate your digital cards with other platforms or apps that your members use, such as social media, e-commerce, or event management.

- Manage and update your digital cards using the provider's dashboard. You can monitor and control all aspects of your digital cards, such as issuing new cards, renewing expired cards, canceling inactive cards, and changing card details. You can also access reports and insights on card usage, member behavior, and feedback.

How Digital Membership Cards Compare to Physical Cards

Digital membership cards offer many advantages over physical cards for both you and your members. Here are some of the main differences:

- Digital cards are more convenient and secure than physical cards. Your members don't have to carry or store their physical cards, which can be easily lost, stolen, or damaged. They can also access their digital cards anytime, anywhere, even if they change or lose their devices.

- Digital cards are more cost-effective and sustainable than physical cards. You don't have to spend money and resources on printing, mailing, and replacing physical cards. You also don't have to deal with the environmental impact of paper waste and carbon emissions from physical card production and distribution.

- Digital cards are more engaging and personalized than physical cards. You can communicate with your members more effectively and efficiently through their digital cards. You can also offer them more customized and relevant benefits and discounts based on their interests and preferences.

Graviti AMS has digital membership cards feature built-in for your convenience. Read more about how to start using them on here


Digital membership cards are a smart solution for association managers who want to streamline their membership administration, enhance their member experience, and improve their association performance. By switching to digital membership cards, you can save time, money, and resources while increasing member satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

If you want to learn more about how digital membership cards can benefit your association, contact us today for a free consultation and demo.