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Connect and communicate with your members on the Graviti member portal

Effortless email communication

Receive and send emails messages

If you want to send an email message, click on the {} icon to start.


To send an email message, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Recipient name: the name of the person you wish to send the message to.
  • Email address: The email address of the recipient.
  • Subject: The subject of the email.
  • Message: The content of the message you wish to send.
  • Upload: You also have the option to upload a file.

·        You can upload files in any format by using the "Browse" button or by simply dragging and dropping the file(s) into the preview space below. Once you have selected your file(s), the "Upload" button will appear.

Note that the "Upload" button only appears after files have been selected.

After providing all the necessary details, click on "Send" to send your email.



To view all created email messages, simply click on the “View all” button. 

The page that appears will display the following details:

  • Subject of the email.
  • The recipient’s email address.
  • Read email: a button to click on to read the email contents.
    • You can see where the email was sent from (sender email address).
    • The subject of the email
    • The date and time the email was sent.
    • The content of the email message
  • The date the message was sent.
  • The reply that was received from the recipient.
  • Options are available in the action drop-down menu. There are three options:
    • Send SMS.
    • Send email.
    • Send WhatsApp.

Clicking on any of these options will redirect you to the page where you can send the message using the chosen channel.

Search button: the search button allows you to search for specific content or information within the page.  This button works by allowing you to enter keywords related to your search to retrieve relevant results. You can search using the email address or the email subject.

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